Fun but harmful: resentment
Resentment feels great. We are right, we judge, we accuse. We are positive that our point of view is the correct [...]
A real issue
Dear intuitive person, here is my biggest challenge: Intuition in business. How to sell it without mentioning it. Or: how to [...]
Coming up short I
This is what happens when we believe we have come up short: We believe - we are convinced - there is [...]
Coming up short II
Sympathy - I miss that a lot of times. And support, and praise, "well done, you" in all areas of life. [...]
Do you know that you are a gift? Do you know that your life is a gift? If reading this causes [...]
Experiment: Weg mit der rosaroten Brille
Ich glaube heute würde meine Schwester lauthals lachen.Sie hat mir immer wieder gesagt, ich würde unsere Familiengeschichte zu positiv sehen, und [...]