A real issue

Dear intuitive person,

here is my biggest challenge:

Intuition in business.
How to sell it without mentioning it.
Or: how to mention it without being ridiculed.

It’s like a lose-lose situation:

Either hide the intuitive part and offer great service that no-one but your current clients get
(Who however won’t recommend you because they are unaware of how you’re doing what you’re doing).

Or talk openly about it, make it part of your deal and open yourself to laughter and shaming,
or…. to an avid following of horoscope readers and oracle-seekers who look for salvation.

Well. salvation is not on offer.

Intuitive guidance hasn’t saved anyone yet, but it has added immeasurable value to feedback, as well as providing inspiration that could not have come from thinking things through over and over and over again.

We are all intuitive, but many access their intuition only by accident or in life-threatening situations when their intuition gets fueled by adrenaline and becomes impossible to ignore.

But to do it on demand, on purpose, and not for yourself, but for others – that takes years of practice, of knowing how to clear your mind in seconds, and of letting go of all judgment and preconceived notions. Knowing how to listen so the information reaches you, and knowing how to talk, so the essence of that information is not lost in translation.

And, last not least, gaining the kind of levity that allows you to disconnect from the client’ expectations, and to deliver excellence with integrity – instead of succumbing to the temptation of „dancing for your supper“ by telling clients what they want to hear, thereby assuring they stay attached to you and come back time and time again for the good news you’re offering.

That, my friends, takes a lot of inner work. And not just once, but always. „To be continued“ or „what next?“ is the intuitive’s mantra. Because there will always be new issues that may raise your hackles, and you need to clear them, or you’ll risk letting your demons loose on your clients.

Add to that your field of expertise and you have your work cut out for you. It’s a big job, but someone has to do it, and thank Goddess you and me are two of those.

Because, really, isn’t it fun to see a client go from downtrodden to sparkling? To send them off, knowing they are on a good path and you played a part in empowering them?

You know the answer, it’s a resounding YES!, and now get back to work, there is plenty for you to do ;-)